Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Homeopathy for Flu

History of Success During Flu Epidemics Homeopathy has a long, successful history for the treatment and prevention of the flu. Homeopathy was used effectively to treat one of the deadliest strains of flu in history, the 1918 Spanish flu. During the Spanish flu, Americans who were treated with traditional medicine had a mortality rate of […]

Bruce Lipton on Homeopathy

Karma Singh interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton in July 2010Dr. Bruce Lipton, one of the world’s leading cell biologists, explains how energy healing modalities such as homeopathy work and why pharmaceuticals do not work Karma Singh: Professor Lipton, we heard you on the weekend telling us about the informational causation of perhaps the majority of the maladies […]

Natural Treatments for Wildfire Smoke Inhalation

Here in BC this year in 2015, it has been an extremely dry, hot spring and early summer. As of July 6, 2015, there are currently 178 wildfires burning in the province of BC; leaving much of the province of BC, including Vancouver, blanketed in smoke. Consequently, the air quality index in Vancouver is at […]

Homeopathic Treatment of Ebola

October 2014 – “Is it the flu or is it EBOLA?” Important information regarding EBOLA Hemorrhagic Fever Compiled by Sally Tamplin MARH,DSH, PCH and Jacob Mirman MD, DHt, CCH The top US medical official, Thomas Frieden, has said that the Ebola challenge is the biggest since AIDS. Britain and the USA have implemented enhanced […]

Homeopathy for Bikram Yoga

As an experienced homeopath who has reaped the benefits of Bikram Yoga for many years, I would like to share some holistic and homeopathic tips that will help Bikram/hot yoga enthusiasts with their yoga practice. Balancing Electrolytes This is one of the most common problems encountered with hot yoga practitioners. The intense heat and sweating […]

New Mandatory Flu Shot Policy for BC Healthcare Workers is a Tyrannical Violation of Human Rights

On December 1, 2012, all health care workers in BC will be forced to get a flu shot, or wear a mask while at work. Health care workers are also expected to wear a distinctive badge indicating they’ve had the shot. The BC Nurses’ Union has filed a grievance against the policy because they question […]

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

By Ronald D. Whitmont, M.D.Classical Homeopathic Physician A- Demographics Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a fairly common illness in the United States today.  An estimated 40 million Americans suffer from recurrent heartburn, and when it happens at least twice weekly it is designated GERD.[1] This condition has many causes, but perhaps most common is […]

Vidatox for Cancer: 2012 Update

About a year ago (in 2011) I introduced the followers of this blog to the Cuban homeopathic medication Vidatox: A Scientifically Proven Treatment for Cancer On September 26, 2012, in Havana, Cuban scientists presented the benefits of the homeopathic drug Vidatox 30 CH, in cancer therapy, which has raised life expectancy and quality of life […]

The Deadly Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

What are Statins (Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs) and How Do They Work? Statins work by inhibiting the action of an enzyme called HMG coenzyme A reductase. A more technical name for statins is HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. HMG-CoA reductase is involved in manufacturing cholesterol, so by inhibiting this enzyme, one’s cholesterol does go down, which is why cholesterol-lowering […]

The Waning Effectiveness of the Whooping Cough Vaccine

In 2010, California experienced its worst outbreak of whooping cough in 50 years. As usual, the mainstream media blamed unvaccinated people for the outbreak, yet 44 to 83 percent of those diagnosed with whooping cough in California had been vaccinated against whooping cough. Since the 1980s, the incidence of pertussis (whooping cough) has been rising, and […]

Effective Cancer Treatment with Popular Cuban Homeopathic Drug Vidatox

What is Vidatox? Vidatox is a drug produced from five protein peptides extracted from the venom of the blue scorpion (Rophalorus junceus), which is endemic to Cuba and which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effect in more than 15 different cancer cell lines. The result of 15 years of research, by October 2010 Vidatox had […]

Homeopathy for Cystitis (Bladder Infections)

Some of the most common symptoms of UTIs (bladder infections) are the constant urge to urinate as well as a constant feeling of fullness in the bladder, pain during urination, foul smelling urine, as well as other signs of inflammation such as fever. The most well-known natural remedy for bladder infections is unsweetened cranberry juice, […]

2011 Consumer Choice Award Winner

I am very pleased to announce that Little Mountain Homeopathy won the 2011 Consumer Choice Award in the category of Homeopathy. Thank you so much to the Vancouver community for your help in making Little Mountain Homeopathy #1. About the Consumer Choice Award Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers the opinions, perceptions and […]

Homeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba

by Dr. Isaac Golden and Dr. Gustavo Bracho Originally published in Hahnemann first used a homoeopathic potency of Belladonna, selected using the Law of Similars, to prevent Scarlet Fever in 1798. Since then homoeopathic immunisation, or homoeoprophylaxis, has been used by tens of thousands of homoeopaths. Results have been described in our literature, but […]

Constipation and Failure to Thrive: A Homeopathic Success Story

Aaron was only 10 months old when he visited the clinic, accompanied by his parents. Rhonda, (Aaron’s mother) made the appointment because of her son’s battle with constipation practically since birth. She is also concerned because though Aaron has a healthy appetite, he is losing instead of gaining weight. I assure Rhonda that homeopathic treatment […]

C4 Trituration Workshop with authors Anneke Hogeland and Judy Schriebman

 Little Mountain Homeopathy is pleased to invite you to a very special event: EXPERIENCE RESONANCE HOMEOPATHY TRITURATION WORKSHOP C4 Homeopathy and Practitioner Development Date: August 26-28, 2011 Location: Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC  With Anneke Hogeland, MS, MFT, CHom And Judy Schriebman, CCH, RSHom(NA) Authors of The Trituration Handbook  Trituration of […]

Homeopathic Cell Salts Basics and FAQ

What are the homeopathic cell salts? Other terms for homeopathic cell salts are biochemic remedies, Schuessler Tissue Salts and Schuessler Cell Salts. They are a therapeutic system introduced by William Heinrich Shuessler, MD, in 1873. Dr. Schuessler contended that disease is fundamentally caused by insufficiencies of mineral salts in the tissue cells of the body […]

Homeopathy for Period Pain

Many women suffer from pain during their periods. Homeopathy can provide effective relief from period pain without putting a stress on the liver. Women with other hormonal symptoms such as irregular periods or  women who experience intense pain every month should see a classical homeopath for constitutional treatment. For occasional or moderate period pains, the […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy & Nuclear Crisis

All of the remedies listed below are powerful remedies that should only taken under the supervision of a professional classical homeopath. Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy Cadmium Sulphuricum: This is the leading remedy for the side effects of radiation therapy. There is a lot of exhaustion, prostration and icy coldness. There is nausea and vomiting, […]

Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast, associated with breastfeeding. Symptoms typically include breast pain and redness. There is often an associated fever and general soreness. Onset is typically fairly rapid and usually occurs within the first few months of delivery. Homeopathy can be very effective for the treatment of mastitis. The following are the most […]

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

Prevent Breast & Nipple Pain while Nursing Use calendula cream on the nipples several weeks before birth and after nursing begins. Wash the calendula cream off the breast before nursing begins.Take Silica 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. Take 3-4 times per day at the beginning of the nursing experience to strengthen the nipples. Discontinue as soon […]

Potassium Iodide Only Necessary During a Nuclear Crisis

In 2011, after the Fukushima disaster, I wrote a blog article about various ways to protect and detox from radiation and nuclear fallout. Although potassium iodide (KI) does not detox the body from radiation, it can protect the thyroid from being damaged by radioactive iodine (iodine-131). Iodine-131 is rapidly absorbed by the thyroid gland and, especially […]

Detox & Protection from Radiation & Nuclear Fallout

Learn how to detox naturally from radiation exposure using natural remedies such as iodine supplements, detox baths, and eating iodine rich foods. Updated with new information on December 18, 2024 Potassium Iodide Tablets Potassium iodide supplements protect the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. The thyroid becomes saturated with the iodine from the tablets, thus […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Colds

Homeopathic remedies for colds. Homeopathic remedies can help you and your family recover faster from the common cold. In cases of fever, try Homeopathic Remedies for Fever. In cases of flu, try Homeopathic Remedies for Flu. Along with homeopathic remedies, remember to Use the Neti Pot to Clear Sinus and Nasal Congestion These are the […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

These homeopathic remedies are useful for coughs due to an acute infection and for bronchitis, croup, and whooping cough. In cases of chronic coughs and/or low immunity, it is best to consult a professional homeopath for constitutional treatment. Aconite: Useful at the beginning stages of a cough. A dry cough with sudden onset due to […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

A fever is the body’s way of fighting an infection. All healthy people will occasionally have fevers. The body will naturally heal itself of a fever, without any sort of intervention. Homeopathic remedies can speed healing and will aid the body’s natural process of healing itself. All remedies listed in this article can be used […]

Homeopathy for Heartburn

The following homeopathic remedies can help with occasional heartburn or with heartburn during pregnancy. For help with acute heartburn or heartburn during pregnancy, book an acute homeopathic consultation. Chronic heartburn should be treated by a professional homeopath. Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn Pulsatilla: Heartburn that is worse after eating rich, fatty foods. These people feel worse […]

Homeopathic Cell Salts During Pregnancy

The Pregnancy Cell Salt Program This program is endorsed by leading obstetrician Dr. Gowri Matha. It helps both pregnant mother and baby maintain optimum nutrition and balances the mineral content of the body. During pregnancy, the baby requires certain salts which it gets at the expense of the mother. This program will help to replenish any […]

Homeopathy for Morning Sickness

A longer version of this article was published in Natural News These are some of the most common homeopathic remedies for morning sickness: Colchicum: This woman’s morning sickness is worse after smelling food, especially cooking food. She vomits even at the thought of food. Her nausea is also worse from even the slightest movement. Ipecacuanha: […]

Homeopathy for Constipation, Hemorrhoids & Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

Constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins during pregnancy can be helped with homeopathy. Chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins (starting before pregnancy or lasting well beyond pregnancy) should be treated by a classical homeopath. These are the most common homeopathic remedies that are useful for these conditions: Sepia: The first remedy to try for women who […]

Use the Neti Pot to Clear Nasal & Sinus Congestion

I first found out about the neti pot a few years ago, and ever since then I have recommended it religiously to everyone I talk to. Anyone who gets nasal congestion due to colds or allergies, sinus congestion, or sinus infections can benefit. There are so many advantages to using a neti pot. It’s inexpensive, […]

Chickenpox Parties Need to Make a Comeback

I remember getting chickenpox as a child in the early ’80s. Due to the highly infectious nature of chickenpox, all the kids in the neighbourhood got it. None of our parents blinked an eyelash because they knew that chickenpox was a harmless disease if acquired during childhood with a very low risk of complications. Before […]

Accutane for Acne: The Devastating Side Effects

Accutane is a prescription medication for severe acne produced and distributed by Roche Pharmaceuticals. Since 1982 when it was approved by the FDA, 5 million Americans and 8 million people in other countries have been prescribed Accutane. No Longer Available in the United States Roche was making up to $1.2 billion annually from this popular […]

Mercury & Heavy Metal Detox Dangers & Solutions

Those of you who are familiar with naturopathic doctors are very likely also familiar with the concept of detoxing one’s body of heavy metals. The process of detoxing heavy metals is commonly known as chelation. What is Chelation Therapy? Chelation therapy is the use of chelating agents (e.g. DMSA, EDTA, DMPS) to detoxify poisonous metal […]

Fear the MMR Vaccine, Not the Measles

The Propaganda At the end of March 2010 the mainstream media loudly announces an outbreak of measles in BC. As of April 16 there have been 44 cases of measles reported around the Vancouver Lower Mainland, the BC Interior and Northern BC. No serious complications have been reported thus far though the media is using its […]

Dr. Isaac Golden’s Homeoprophylaxis Research Overview

Homeoprophylaxis – A Proven Alternative to Vaccination by Dr Isaac GoldenAs it appeared in Nourished Magazine, December 2008 I prepared my first formal program of homoeopathic remedies to prevent infectious diseases in 1986 (1). In the following 20+ years, tens of thousands of Australian children have been immunised homoeopathically – a method called homoeoprophylaxis (HP) […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Acute Homeopathic Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Remedies For temporary relief of seasonal allergies the following acute remedies have proven useful. Please note that constitutional homeopathic treatment is recommended to strengthen the immune system permanently and to prevent the recurrence of seasonal allergies. Allium cepa This is one of the most commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for […]

Classical Homeopathic Services and Fees

Homeopathy gets to the root of the problem instead of just suppressing the symptoms. Homeopathic treatment strengthens the body so that the problem does not reoccur. Unlike conventional medical treatments, my goal is to help sustain your health without creating drug dependency. To find out more about homeopathy, visit the Homeopathy FAQ Initial Consultation The […]

About Homeoprophylaxis

Contents Homeoprophylaxis FAQ History of Homeoprophylaxis Scientific Studies and Research on Homeoprophylaxis Homeoprophylaxis FAQ To learn more about homeopathy visit the general Homeopathy FAQ What is homeoprophylaxis? Homeoprophylaxis remedies are usually made from disease material, also known as a nosode. The disease material is then prepared in a homeopathic manner in order to render it completely safe […]

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