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Date of Birth *
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Marital Status *
Number of Children and Details (Age, Sex)
Who referred you to this clinic?
CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT INFORMATION. What is your main reason for attending this office? If this involves a specific health condition, please describe it in detail. In your own words, list the very first time that you noticed this condition and describe carefully any factors that you suspect may have played a role on its onset and development. Please list every detail and give me the opportunity to distinguish what may not be relevant to your case. *
If this is a chronic complaint how long have you had it?
been the Who
Who diagnosed your condition and when was the diagnosis made?
What specialists have you seen and when?
How has this complaint been treated until now, and what results have been obtained to date?
What other objectives do you have as far as your health is concerned? *
When were you last weighed and what is your present weight? *
Has your weight changed over the past year? If yes, can you offer an explanation?
What is your height? *
How long has it been since you were totally well? *
Please list the 5 most significant, stressful events in your life, from the most recent to the most distant. Are any of these situations continuing to impact your life? If so, please indicate these clearly. *
Are you currently working with a professional counselor, psychologist, social worker, or other therapist? Please provide details
Have you had homeopathic care before? Please provide details:
I am asking you to draw a timeline of all major events in your life. This will assist me to assess your present health problems. Please indicate in chronological order all accidents, illnesses, hospitalizations, surgery, broken bones, sprains, falls, traumatic and emotional events, major changes in your life up to this point in time. I would also like to know when you had vaccinations, when you started school, changed schools, graduated, failed, got married, had children, separated, divorced, etc. Major life events and traumas can have long-lasting effects on health. You can start with when you were born, or some people find it easier to begin at their present age and work backwards, it is your choice. You only need to include what you feel comfortable sharing of course. *
FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY Please indicate below which of the following ailments, or any other ailments, have affected your relatives. Include any peculiar characteristic of relatives who are similar to you in any way. Alcoholism, Asthma, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Paralysis, Syphilis, Allergies, Cancer, Gonorrhoea, Hypertension, Pneumonia, Thyroid, Alzheimer's, Depression, Gout, Kidney Disease, Skin Disorders, Arthritis, Diabetes, Hay Fever, Mental Illness, Digestive Disorders, Tuberculosis *