Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


About Homeoprophylaxis

Contents Homeoprophylaxis FAQ History of Homeoprophylaxis Scientific Studies and Research on Homeoprophylaxis Homeoprophylaxis FAQ To learn more about homeopathy visit the general Homeopathy FAQ What is homeoprophylaxis? Homeoprophylaxis remedies are usually made from disease material, also known as a nosode. The disease material is then prepared in a homeopathic manner in order to render it completely safe […]

Research on Coronavirus

Part 1: Introduction to the research, the registrants who were involved, and the basic concepts of the research This is a review of research done by Kate Birch, certified classical homeopath, on the use of a homeopathic coronavirus nosode, over a 6 month period, starting in March 2020. The presentation covers research design, the number […]

Travel Homeoprophylaxis

Many people in the alternative health world are now seeking out alternatives to conventional vaccines. Homeoprophylaxis, the homeopathic prevention of disease, has been used for hundreds of years to prevent epidemic disease, and a number of studies prove its effectiveness. For the purpose of preventing disease, homeopaths often use special homeopathic remedies called nosodes, prepared from disease material. […]

Flu Nosodes / Influenzinum

Influenzinum History of Use For at least the past 150 years homeopathic practitioners have used the medicine Influenzinum as a flu preventive. Influenzinum is a homeopathic medicine (nosode) made from flu viruses, rendered completely safe and non-toxic by a homeopathic pharmacist. A nosode is the term for any homeopathic remedy that is made from disease […]

Homeoprophylaxis Resources

Homeoprophylaxis Book Resources Vaccination & Homoeoprophylaxis?: A Review of Risks and Alternatives – 7th Edition Paperback – Nov. 3 2010 by Dr Isaac Golden (Author) A book which gives parents a choice in the way in which they protect their children against potentially dangerous infectious diseases, i.e. a safe, comparably effective natural method of immunisation which can be […]

Homeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba

by Dr. Isaac Golden and Dr. Gustavo Bracho Originally published in Hahnemann first used a homoeopathic potency of Belladonna, selected using the Law of Similars, to prevent Scarlet Fever in 1798. Since then homoeopathic immunisation, or homoeoprophylaxis, has been used by tens of thousands of homoeopaths. Results have been described in our literature, but […]

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