Little Mountain Homeopathy is pleased to invite you to a very special event:
C4 Homeopathy and Practitioner Development
Date: August 26-28, 2011
Location: Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC
With Anneke Hogeland, MS, MFT, CHom
And Judy Schriebman, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Authors of The Trituration Handbook
Trituration of the Ghost Tree: Sequoia Sempervirens Albino Redwood
Triturations are a vital part of homeopathy. Every homeopath benefits from knowing the process well, and from being able to create remedies from raw substances. Like good provings, triturations provide a direct, experiential, body-based knowledge of a substance. They promote and enhance the development of the homeopath, furthering personal and professional growth. This results in greater satisfaction and better results in all facets of practice, from reading and understanding Materia Medica to case taking, remedy and potency selection, case analysis and case management.
To Hahnemann’s “Aude sapere” (Dare to Think)
we respectfully add, “Aude facere” (Dare to Do)
Our workshop begins Friday evening where we introduce students to the process and answer general questions. Friday evening we will also triturate one single round to get the trituration process started. On Saturday beginning at 10 a.m., we triturate 2 or 3 rounds, with breaks for discussion and food, expecting to end around 6 or 7 p.m. Sunday we begin at 9 a.m., triturating as many rounds as needed, and finishing with potentizing the remedy for students to take home. As time permits, there will be discussions and exercises in Family Constellation work and the philosophy of C4 Homeopathy. Students should bring their own mortar and pestle, journals and/or art materials. We will provide extras as needed.
Organon §265
It should be a matter of conscience with him [the physician] to be thoroughly convinced in every case that the patient takes the right medicine, and therefore he must give the patient the correctly chosen medicine prepared, moreover, by himself (emphasis ours).
–Samuel Hahnemann, 18??
Fee: $150
A Certificate of Attendance will be provided upon completion of this workshop. This workshop is recognized by the Canadian Society of Homeopaths and the BC Society of Homeopaths for a total of 15 hours of Professional Development Credits.
Space is limited. To reserve your spot, please RSVP as soon as possible to Sonya by email: or phone 604-677-7742. Cheques in the amount of $150 are payable to Sonya McLeod and should be sent to this address:
Sonya McLeod
Little Mountain Homeopathy
351 E. 39th Ave.
V5W 1K3
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