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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Use the Neti Pot to Clear Nasal & Sinus Congestion

I first found out about the neti pot a few years ago, and ever since then I have recommended it religiously to everyone I talk to. Anyone who gets nasal congestion due to colds or allergies, sinus congestion, or sinus infections can benefit. There are so many advantages to using a neti pot. It’s inexpensive, fairly easy to find, easy to use once you get the hang of it, and very healthy.

What is a Neti Pot?

A neti pot is a container with a spout on the end of it, used to irrigate (clean) the nasal and sinus passages.

Where to Find a Neti Pot?

Neti pots are sold at most health food stores and yoga stores. They have become increasingly popular in the last few years.

How to Use a Neti Pot?

Put 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt into the neti pot (any good sea salt will do, it does not have to be special neti pot salt). Then fill the neti pot with warm water (filtered or spring water is best). Mix the water with a spoon until the salt is fully dissolved.

Tip your head forward and to the side. Put the spout gently into your nostril so that an airtight seal is formed. Tip the neti pot up and tilt your head further to the side until the water starts pouring out from the opposite nostril.

Keep pouring until the neti pot is empty. Remove the spout and blow forcefully out from both nostrils. Then repeat the process with the other nostril.

Watch this video for a thorough step by step demonstration of the procedure:

How to Get Your Children to Use the Neti Pot

My 6 and 7 year old both use a neti pot. Eventually, once your children have watched you use the neti pot a number of times, they will be curious about trying it themselves. Make it fun for them by letting them measure out the salt into the neti pot. Make sure to emphasize to them the correct head position (forward and to the side). Eventually they will become curious enough that they will allow you to pour the water into their nostrils. Kids become fascinated when they see the water pouring from one nostril and out the other. It’s like a mini science experiment!

Showing your kids this technique is invaluable if they have nasal congestion at bedtime. The neti pot will help both children and parents to get a restful, congestion-free sleep.

Why is Using a Neti Pot Healthy?

The saline (salt) solution helps remove mucus, bacteria, pollutants, and other irritants from the nasal and sinus cavities. And in contrast to using Nasonex and other pharmaceutical products, using the neti pot is completely safe and has no side effects.

History of the Neti Pot

Neti Pot usage first originated in India and South East Asia, and was part of the ancient yoga tradition. These Eastern cultures have used the neti pot routinely for centuries.

Chronic Allergies, Chronic Sinus Congestion & Low Immunity

People with chronic health complaints should see a professional homeopath in their area. Homeopathic treatment will strengthen the immunity and reduce the susceptibility to colds, allergies, congestion and infections. Contact the clinic to find out more about constitutional homeopathic treatment.

Use the Neti Pot to Clear Nasal & Sinus Congestion

6 thoughts on “Use the Neti Pot to Clear Nasal & Sinus Congestion

  1. Thank you for this article. It’s great. I just started using a neti pot on the recommendation of my physician. Because I have smaller than normal sinus cavities, I tend to ‘stuff up’ and get sinus infections too easily. Now, when I first feel the symptoms, I do just as you’ve described in the article and nip infection in the bud. It’s great. No more agony, sick days or antibiotics!

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