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Homeopathy for Bikram Yoga

As an experienced homeopath who has reaped the benefits of Bikram Yoga for many years, I would like to share some holistic and homeopathic tips that will help Bikram/hot yoga enthusiasts with their yoga practice.

Balancing Electrolytes

This is one of the most common problems encountered with hot yoga practitioners. The intense heat and sweating can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes, which can then lead to dizziness, nausea, tiredness and/or headache.


It is now trendy to sell coconut water in Bikram Yoga studios. Drinking a can or bottle of good quality coconut water before, during or after practice will balance electrolytes. Personally, I enjoy drinking a bottle of kombucha during practice, which contains natural probiotics, naturally detoxes the body, and balances out electrolytes.

Homeopathic cell salts for electrolyte imbalance

Having a pinch of sea salt after practice can also help balance electrolytes, but I also recommend taking homeopathic cell salts. I recommend the Hyland’s brand Bio-XII (aka Bioplasma), a blend of all 12 homeopathic cell salts. Before class, take 6 pellets in a clean dry mouth without water, or the pellets can be put in your water bottle that you take with you into yoga class, and sipped during your practice. If feeling a bit depleted a few hours after your class, another 6 pellets of Bio-XII can be taken.

Headache, Nausea and/or Dizziness from Overheating

Homeopathic remedies for nausea, headache and dizziness

Most practitioners of hot yoga have experienced headache, nausea and/or dizziness at some point during their practice. Usually headache, nausea and dizziness can be avoided by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after practice, along with also ensuring to balance electrolytes (see above suggestions). I also feel that one is more prone to headache, nausea and dizziness when one is new to hot yoga, before the body has gotten used to doing yoga in hot conditions. Once you start coming regularly, your body becomes used to the heat and will be less susceptible to nausea, dizziness and headache.

Taking a cool shower at the studio or after returning home will help to cool down your body and can help relieve symptoms of nausea, dizziness and headache. If you are really feeling like you need to leave the yoga room at any point during your practice, please listen to your intuition and do so. Of course it is always best to stay in the yoga room if you can (you can lie down and rest at any point during your practice for as long as you need to).

If you are drinking enough water and are balancing electrolytes but are still suffering from a headache, homeopathic remedies can help. Glonoinum 30C and Belladonna 30C or 200C are the main remedies for headache after overheating.

homeopathy for headache

People needing the remedy Belladonna will typically have dilated pupils and a red face, whereas people needing Glonoinum would have contracted pupils, a pale face and low pulse. A person with a Belladonna headache is better from bending the head backward, worse in the open air and better from holding the head still; whereas a person needing Glonoinum is worse from bending the head backward, relieved in open air and cannot keep still.

Nux Vomica 30C is the first remedy to think of for persistent nausea after overexertion/overheating. The nausea may also be accompanied by an intense headache.

Cocculus 30C is the first remedy to think of if there is nausea accompanied by vertigo (dizziness). There may also be a feeling of lightheadedness.

Dosage for Headache, Nausea and Dizziness: Give 1 dose every 20-30 minutes for up to 3 doses. Repeat thereafter only after symptoms return. Try a new remedy if there is no relief within 15 minutes after the 3rd dose.

Yoga Injuries from Overstretching

Homeopathy for yoga

Many people go to yoga to help them heal from injuries. Note that yoga combined with homeopathic first aid remedies will help the body heal naturally from injuries.

However, people can occasionally injure themselves by overstretching and pushing themselves too hard in the yoga poses. Please try not to push yourself too hard, or let an overzealous teacher push you too hard, otherwise you do risk injuring yourself.

The first remedy to take after injury due to overstretching of the ligaments and tendons is Arnica 30C or 200C, but only if there is a lot of swelling. Arnica Cream can also be used topically. Once the swelling has improved, switch to one of the two remedies below:

Rhus Tox 30C is the most common remedy for injuries from overstretching. The pain is worse after initial motion, but improves after continued motion.

Bryonia 30C should be used if the pain is worse by any motion whatsoever.

Dosage for Yoga Injuries: Take the indicated remedy every 3 hours for the first 2 days, then twice a day after that. Discontinue after the pain decreases significantly.

Commonsense Measures: Rest, elevate the injured part, ice the affected area, and apply firm pressure to the injured part. After 1-2 days, switch to warm compresses, or continue using ice if preferred.

Homeopathy for Bikram Yoga

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