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Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

Prevent Breast & Nipple Pain while Nursing

Use calendula cream on the nipples several weeks before birth and after nursing begins. Wash the calendula cream off the breast before nursing begins.
Take Silica 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. Take 3-4 times per day at the beginning of the nursing experience to strengthen the nipples. Discontinue as soon as the nipples are well conditioned.

Learn the basics about Homeopathic Cell Salts

Treat Breast & Nipple Pain while Nursing

The following homeopathic remedies help ease the pain of sore, painful breasts and/or nipples in nursing women:

Castor Equorum: The first remedy to try for sore, cracked, ulcerated nipples. The breasts are very tender and the nipples are swollen.

Phytolacca: Intense pain as soon as the baby begins to nurse. The pain starts at the nipple and radiates under the arm or over the whole body. There may be hard knots or nodules in the breasts (also a major remedy for mastitis).

Croton Tiglium: Excruciating pain from the nipple to the back, with pain felt in the shoulder blade. The breasts are inflamed, swollen, and hard and the nipples may be cracked.

Chamomilla: The mother is so hypersensitive to the pain of breastfeeding that she feels she cannot endure. She will be extremely irritable.

Pulsatilla: The mother cries pitifully whenever she must nurse her baby. These women have also had sore breasts and nipples throughout their pregnancy.

Remedies for sore breasts due to mastitis are listed here: Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Dosage: Usually only a few doses of the 30C potency (strength) are enough to bring relief. Repeat 2-3 times per day in cases that are more severe.

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

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