Homeopathy can be very useful during the postpartum period for the following health complaints:
Physical trauma of mother and/or baby after a difficult labour
Postpartum bleeding (hemorrhage)
Healing after a c-section, episiotomy or tear
Postpartum depression
Nursing difficulties including low milk supply and painful nipples
Colic & Acid Reflux
Failure to thrive
For help with acute postpartum health conditions, an acute homeopathic consultation should be booked. For chronic health conditions, a full homeopathic constitutional consultation should be booked.
Originally published in the Autumn 2010 Childbearing Society Newsletter
Common Postpartum Conditions and Remedies
Here is a list of some of the most common conditions as well as the most commonly indicated remedies. If self prescribing does not help, do not hesitate to consult a professional classical homeopath. It is also always best to consult with a professional homeopath and a medical doctor when dealing with serious postpartum conditions.
After Delivery (For the New Mother)
After Labour
A few doses of Arnica 200C given before, during and immediately after labour will often prevent afterpains and postpartum hemorrhage. Arnica is especially useful after a traumatic birth. The dose can be repeated if needed. Also give Arnica to the baby if the head is bruised.
After a Caesarean Section, Tearing, or Episiotomy
The best remedy to take for these conditions is Staphysagria 30C repeated 3 times per day until the pain subsides. Also apply calendula tincture in a topical pump spray or calendula cream to the injured area.
Postpartum Retention of Urine
Causticum 30C is the most common remedy for this condition. Try a few doses spaced 15-30 minutes apart.
Phlebitis (Swelling of the veins of the leg)
Hamamelis 30C is the most common remedy for phlebitis due to injury or trauma to the veins during childbirth. Try a few doses spaced 15-30 minutes apart, then continue taking it up to 3 times per day until the condition improves.
Postpartum Depression
This condition can be treated successfully by a professional homeopath. It is best not to self prescribe for postpartum depression.
After Delivery (For the Newborn)
After a Traumatic Labour
Give Arnica 200C if the baby‘s head is bruised or swollen spaced. Repeat a few times a day for a few days until injuries improve.
Conjunctivitis (Inflammation of the Eye)
Give Aconite 30C a few times per day for a few days, until symptoms subside.
A few doses of Aconite 30C used along with standard treatments should hasten the disappearance of this condition.
Nursing Difficulties
Insufficient Milk Flow
There are a few frequently indicated remedies for insufficient or absent milk flow. Give a 30C potency of the indicated remedy a few times per day until flow is restored:
Chamomilla: Loss of milk flow and anger in the mother.
Urtica Urens: Nonappearance of milk with few other symptoms
Lac Caninum: The flow diminishes in one breast, then the other
Lactuca Virosa: Use if the above remedies don‘t seem indicated.
Frequently indicated remedies for this condition include the following. Give a 30C potency of the indicated remedy a few times per day until the problem resolves.
Phytolacca: the most frequently indicated remedy for mastitis. the breasts are often lumpy and will be caked with hard knots and nodules.
Bryonia: the breast pain is worse after any kind of movement.
Belladonna: mastitis with sudden onset, high fever and throbbing pain
Lac Caninum: the breasts are so sensitive that even the touch of clothing against the breasts is excruciatingly painful
Hepar Sulphuris: the breast is extremely painful and worse if exposed to drafts.
Silica: the breasts have painful cracks in the nipples
Also the topical application of calendula cream will help unblock the milk ducts.
Scientific Studies Prove Homeopathy is Effective for Postpartum Health Complaints
In a blind, placebo-controlled trial, Sulphur 201C was given to pregnant sows every 10 days, and extending into the feeding period after birth. By day 30 the piglets fed by the sows given the active remedy exhibited a higher final weight, mean total and daily weight gain, indicating that not only was the remedy effective, but that its effects were transmitted through the sows milk.
Forty women experiencing post-partum bleeding were randomly assigned to receive a mixture of Arnica 30C and Bellis 30C, Arnica 6C and Bellis 6C, or placebo. Mean haemoglobin values were measured at 72 hours post-partum, at which point it was found that those women given homeopathic therapy experienced significantly less change in haemoglobin values than those given placebo.
Indian researchers involved in this trial developed a homoeopathic complex against mastitis and tested it, without placebo controls, with 102 riverine buffaloes suffering from various levels of mastitis. The treatment was deemed to be 80 to 97% effective against the disease, depending on the severity of the condition.
Bovine mastitis is a serious problem in India and for many Indian dairy farmers, standard veterinary treatment, because of its cost, is not a viable option. With this in mind, researchers treated 96 lactating dairy cattle suffering from mastitis using a homeopathic combination product (Group A). These were compared with a group of the same number of lactating dairy cattle suffering from mastitis that were treated with antibiotics (Group B). The treatment outcomes, duration and costs were then compared. Cattle from Group A had a successful treatment response rate of 86.6%, a mean time to recovery of 7.7 days and a total cost of (US) 47 cents. Cattle from Group B had a successful treatment response rate of 59.2%, a mean time to recovery of 4.5 days and a total cost of (US) $3.28.