Oct 28, 2009: About a week ago I reported that swine flu vaccine ingredients are not safe for pregnant women and children. Yesterday I learned that the government will order 200,000 doses of non-adjuvanted swine flu vaccine called Panvax from Australian drug company CSL.
Panvax is licensed for use in Australia and the United States but is unlicensed here in Canada, according to The Canadian Press. The Health Minister had to sign an interim order to allow the vaccine into the country. Panvax does not contain the adjuvant squalene, but does contain thimerosal (mercury).
Other ingredients in Panvax that could harm an unborn baby other than thimerosal include neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate and beta-propiolactone.
Neomycin is an antibiotic that can cause damage to the kidneys and/or nerves. Side effects are decreased urination, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, feeling of fullness in the ears, dizziness, numbness, skin tingling, muscle twitching, or seizures which may be signs of kidney or nerve damage. Neomycin is in pregnancy category D which means it may be harmful to an unborn baby.
Polymyxin B Sulfate is also an antibiotic. It can cause serious side effects, including kidney failure. Other side effects include irritability, weakness, drowsiness, numbness in the arms or legs, or blurred vision. The safety of Polymyxin B Sulfate has not been established for use during pregnancy.
Beta-Propiolactone is a disinfectant. The CDC labels beta-propiolactone as a potential human carcinogen. In rats, acute oral administration or intraperitoneal injection of beta-propiolactone caused muscular spasms, respiratory difficulty, convulsions, and death. Acute intravenous injection caused kidney tubule and liver damage. Subcutaneous injection of beta-propiolactone in rats and mice produced cancer at the sites of administration. Single intraperitoneal injections in suckling mice produced lymphatic tumors and liver cancer. A study in 1984 in the Journal of Neurological Sciences showed that some neurological complications in young adults was caused by antirabies vaccines containing beta-propiolactone.
There are non-toxic options for strengthening the immunity during pregnancy. Constitutional homeopathy is the best way to strengthen the immunity. Homeopathy is also useful for morning sickness, lower back pain, urinary tract infections, depression, mood swings, constipation, indigestion, insomnia, yeast infections and more. Contact the clinic to find out how homeopathy can alleviate your health complaints during pregnancy safely and naturally.
We also offer flu homeoprophylaxis at our clinic. This is a safe, effective, non toxic alternative to the regular flu vaccine. It is completely safe for pregnant or nursing women and children.
December Update
H1N1 Vaccine Miscarriages: Exclusive Interview with Connie Adams and More Reports Worldwide
16 thoughts on “Update: Swine Flu Vaccine Without Adjuvant is Unsafe”
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can you explain more on how homeopathy works..for daily usage
Hmmm. Try this for a vaccination.
Eat healthy organic food, drink non fluoridated water, exercise daily even if it means that you have to walk for 10 mins a day and your immune system will be strong and well.
Sprinkle Bee Pollen on your breakfast cereal each day, use Organic honey to sweeten foods, instead of all that processed sugar. Also use Organic honey to cure open wounds.
Our bodies were made to fight against flu. That’s what an immune system is for, but it must be a healthy immune system. The swine-flu has time and time again been proven to be a very mild flu, compared to that of the regular flu strains.
Homeopathy had worked for aeons, but at the turn of the century, John D. Rockefella changed the face of medication, by bringing in Allepathic medications, and phasing out Homeopathic medications, because he knew that that’s where the profit and power were. He made entirely sure that the AMA (American Medical Association) could have nothing to do with Homeopathy, and this has been passed through all of Western Civilisation ever since.
Bear in mind however, that you need to be cautious about who offers Homeopathic solutions, because many are not what I would call qualified.
Take care of yourselves.
Thanks for your comment, Shaun. I spent 4 years studying homeopathy at the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy, one of the best homeopathic schools in North America. Unfortunately not all homeopaths have proper training so always be sure to check their credentials 🙂
I have 4 children and have been doing a lot of reading on the vaccine. One minute I am convinced our family won’t be getting it and then I watch the news and get convinced we should all get it. I am very scared of not making the right decision and later balming myself in the event of a tragety. I really want what is best and safest fo the children. Do you know if there will be an H1n1 homeopathic vaccine? THis would feel like a safe route to go!
Concerned in B.C.
Hello KC. We have no H1N1 homeopathic vaccine. However, since our immunizations are based on similarity of symptoms rather than DNA, theoretically the Influenzinum that I offer from Helios pharmacy should protect. We don’t know for sure though and there are no guarantees, after all we have no data because H1N1 is so new. I think that homeopathic flu immunizations for the regular flu are more effective than the regular flu vaccine because if the virus mutates, the homeopathic immunization will still protect no matter what strain of flu virus the Influenzinum is made from because we immunize based on symptoms not genetics.
THank you for your response. 🙂
Are you able to ship these up to Grindrod? (A town by Salmon Arm) And is my 2 yr old able to have the immunizations in full dosage? My children are ages 11, 7, 5 and 2 yrs.
Also how much would it cost to order 6 of them including shipping?
Thank you!
I recieved the envelope and am starting on the immunizations. TY! I had no idea how small and few there are per dosage, they must be real potent. THank you! Will keep in touch how they work for me. 🙂
Glad to hear they arrived, keep in touch 🙂
Since any substance is toxic at high doses and almost every substance is harmless at a low enough dose, it would be helpful if you could quote the quantities of Neomycin, Polymyxin B Sulfate and Beta-Propiolactone that cause the effects that you describe, and give the quantities present in the vaccine.
I don’t think that substances this toxic in any quantity are safe to inject into a human being (or lab rats).
But hang on, don’t some homeopaths prescribe small quantities of digitalis to people? That’s a fatal poison, but I presume that they believe that in small enough quantities it doesn’t damage people. Why are these substances different?
Hello Joel. Yes indeed, we do have remedies such as Digitalis that are dangerous in material form. You have to remember though that our remedies are diluted and shaken until it they rendered completely safe and non-toxic. A chemical analysis of homeopathic Digitalis would find there is absolutely nothing harmful in our remedies. This is the discovery that the founder of homeopathy made, that he could dilute and shake the remedies until nothing harmful was left, and found that the medicine became gentler and more effective. This is what the homeopathic childhood immunizations are based on as well, the idea of giving harmless dilutions of, for example, Whooping Cough bacteria, to fend off whooping cough. The body recognizes the remedy as whooping cough even though there is no material dose of whooping cough left in it. Traditional vaccines, on the other hand, have the potential to harm because they contain chemicals.