Cured Case of OCD with Homeopathic Treatment by Dr. Brooke McNeal, ND

Toby had always been a difficult child. He had bouts of attention problems and occasional rage, and his family was desperate to find some help. Toby was first taken to a developmental pediatrician and then a child psychiatrist. Ultimately, it was uncovered that Toby showed strong traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and was put on an SSRI in an attempt to control it.
The SSRI did help control his anxiety and compulsive behaviors, which had been contributing to the rage and attention difficulties. Although his parents were pleased to see him feeling better, they grew increasingly concerned about the long-term effects of the drug, especially as Toby would grow older. This is when they decided to bring him to see Dr. Brooke, in hopes that they could find a natural alternative to manage his OCD.
Dr. Brooke spent a few hours talking with Toby and both of his parents to understand exactly how he experiences all of his symptoms, both at the present time and before he began medication. Toby had several rituals that he conducted daily, counting being the most pervasive. He would get obsessive about his creative projects too, working feverishly until they were completed, and would visibly show relief, including an audible sigh, once they were done. The rages tended to only happen when the rituals or compulsive behaviors were interrupted and he was unable to complete them. When in a rage he would destroy anything he could get his hands on. The rages could become so violent that he would scare his family. This was an interesting symptom because this type of response is not common for a child with OCD. On continued investigation, it was disclosed that Toby was a very fidgety child, specifically with his feet, and was only able to calm down if music with a heavy, steady beat came on. These symptoms indicated that the best remedy for him at the time was Tarentula. After several months of improvement on Tarentula 30C, Toby’s symptoms changed, and a new remedy was indicated for him. He is continuing treatment at this time, and his anxiety and compulsions are improving at every visit. His rages have not returned.
Moorthi K, Pertin S, P R. Homoeopathy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case report. Indian J Res
Homoeopathy 2023;17(2):56-62. doi: 10.53945/2320-7094.1117
Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. It is
characterised by unwanted and distressing thoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) and repetitive
behaviours or mental acts that aim to decrease the resulting distress. Case Summary: A 26-year-old man
presented with intrusive thoughts, ritualistic acts and compulsive actions. After case taking, Calcarea
carbonicum, Lycopodium, Sulphur and Tuberculinum bovinum were prescribed as and when required
based on symptom presentation during the course of homoeopathic treatment. Individualised
homoeopathic medicines led to a remarkable improvement in the case by relieving him of his obsessive
and compulsive thoughts and enabling him to engage in his social, occupational and familial life without
adverse effects.
OCD Cured Cases with Homeopathy by Heike Bishop, Adelaide Hills Homeopathy
Resolved – Side Effect Free
Anne’s Story

Anne aged 9 years presented with obsessive hand washing and compulsive checking. Sometimes to such an extreme that she often comes late to school.
Anne’s mom told me that her daughter’s anxiety levels were through the roof and that Anne found it difficult to relax and go to sleep at night. Mom also thought that Anne was extremely needy, washed her hands 20-30 times a day, and got extremely angry and upset when someone handled or misplaced her belongings.
As I was taking Anne’s case it became apparent that she had suffered severe bullying at school and despite her mom’s and the school’s intervention, Anne still felt that she had no friends in her class.
Anne loved math and loved to play chess, but disliked reading and would often misspell words. She also suffered headaches after school almost on a daily level.
After taking all of Anne’s symptoms into account her first remedy was prescribed. One week into the treatment, Anne’s mom reported that all symptoms got worse for a day or two. After that Anne was able to sleep and her mood improved significantly. The repeated hand washing was reduced by 20%.
Follow-up appointments were arranged and 6 months into the treatment 80% improvement in all aspects were reported.
The repetitive behaviour, headaches, mood swings, sleep disturbance, general anxieties and even school grades improved.
I see Anne now only once to twice a year for a check-up. As life’s demands increase, Anne is still able to cope well and is a big fan of homeopathy.
Thomas’ Story
Thomas was a highly strung 10 year old. His mom believed he suffered from OCD. When I met Thomas for the first time he started chatting a hundred miles an hour. Thomas had many fears and one of the worst was that he believed something bad was going to happen to his family. He had many rituals he followed before he was able to go to bed, such as putting his toys in order repeatedly and counting them and saying the same words in the same order to each member of the family. He also checked if his parents were watching TV on an even numbered channel and could not be persuaded to go to bed until everything was supposed to be just right in his own mind. Thomas’ ritualistic behaviour began to wear the family down. What started as eccentric quirks was getting out of hand.
During the consultation I discovered that everything started when Thomas’ dog suddenly passed away. When I treat a case, the discovery of the underlying reason is very important for the treatment plan. The right single remedy allowed Thomas to express his grief in other ways. Mom reported after Thomas took the homeopathic remedy he went to bed and had a good cry about Max (his dog). Since then he continues to improve daily. His mother puts it simply, “I am so grateful that there is something natural out there that helps kids with OCD”.
OCD Cured Case with Homeopathy by Dr. Jawahar Shah
Male/18 years
Diagnosis: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
When we first saw the patient, he had severe anxiety that he had contracted AIDS; he would brood over it constantly.
As a child, he was always depressed. Since the 5th grade, he would get negative thoughts. Once in the fifth grade his aunt had scolded him about keeping his handkerchief properly; since then he tried to be perfect in everything.
In their school, the teacher had scared them that if they cut tomatoes, the would contract AIDS. Since then, he had developed a marked fear of disease and he felt that he had contracted HIV; he had gone to get all the routine blood tests, which came out to be normal. Yet, he could not believe that he did not have AIDS. Thinking too much about all this caused headaches.
The patient also had severe anxiety about his loved ones. There was confusion of mind and tired feeling. Washing hands 3-4 times before eating food was a common thing for him.
From childhood, he had a feeling of being neglected by his parents. As a person, his father was quite strict and used abusive language. Being very religious, his father expected the children to go to temple regularly. The patient was afraid of his father as he would create a big scene if things did not go according to his wishes and this would disturb the whole family; for this reason the patient would not express himself. Others felt that he was of a quiet disposition. He disliked fights and quarrels.
The patient’s younger brother was very sharp and mixed well with everyone. The parents constantly compared them and this stressed him a lot. As a teenager, he got involved in the wrong company and felt he was mesmerized by his friends who had lured him into leaking the exam papers and selling them to make money. They talked about big things in life whereas he felt lost. There was a marked confusion of mind. In addition, during this phase, he got involved into homosexuality and was sexually abused while he was in NCC – he had 4-5 such events.
Some other marked symptoms were fear of ghosts, death, and was worried about someone giving him food which was infested with a virus. On account of being slow in understanding and lacking concentration, he was afraid of exams. He was very shy by nature and could not mix easily with people. There was a marked feeling of inferiority.
After evaluation the patient was prescribed Calc carb 200C. Next he was seen after 6 weeks. The patient reported he felt much better, he had no headache. Over the next few weeks, his condition kept improving. He was more positive in life and now felt assured that he did not have AIDS. His anxiety and fears were less. he did not wash his hands repeatedly as he used to do before. He had started attending college regularly and had no other complaint other than wanting further medication for treating his premature graying of hair.
Note: It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any kind of self-medication in obsessive compulsive disorder.