Classical homeopathic treatment naturally stimulates the body to produce sufficient thyroid hormone. Homeopathy also effectively treats the symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, constipation, depression, joint pain, hair loss, hormonal complaints, skin complaints and weight gain. Homeopathy can also help control the symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. An appointment should be booked at the clinic in order for treatment to be effective.
Scientific Research
INTRODUCTION: The decision to treat subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) with or without autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) in children, presents a clinical dilemma. This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of individualized homeopathy in these cases.
METHODS: The study is an exploratory, randomized, placebo controlled, single blind trial. Out of 5059 school children (06-18 years) screened for thyroid disorders, 537 children had SCH/AIT and 194 consented to participate. Based on primary outcome measures (TSH and/or antiTPOab) three major groups were formed: Group A – SCH + AIT (n = 38; high TSH with antiTPOab+), Group B – AIT (n = 47; normal TSH with antiTPOab+) and Group C – SCH (n = 109; only high TSH) and were further randomized to two subgroups-verum and control. Individualized homeopathy or identical placebo was given to respective subgroup. 162 patients completed 18 months of study.
RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were similar in all the subgroups. The post treatment serum TSH (Group A and C) returned to normal limits in 85.94% of verum and 64.29% of controls (p < 0.006), while serum AntiTPOab titers (Group A and B) returned within normal limits in 70.27%of verum and 27.02%controls (p < 0.05). Eight children (10.5%) progressed to overt hypothyroidism (OH) from control group.
CONCLUSION: A statistically significant decline in serum TSH values and antiTPOab titers indicates that the homeopathic intervention has not only the potential to treat SCH with or without antiTPOab but may also prevent progression to OH.
Cured Cases of Hypothyroidism with Homeopathy
A 28 years married young lady reported to the center for severe hair loss after pregnancy. She was loosing around 300-400 strands of hair per day. She said that when ever she combed hair, she experienced hair falling.
Though post-pregnancy is a common period for hair falling Dr. Shah examined her and advised for a Thyroid Function blood test. She was detected as under active thyroid. Her blood test report dated 30 th December 09 showed
TSH: 9.31, FT3: 3.01 and FT4: 3.01
She also complained of frequent colds. She would get nose block, running nose, at least once a day lasting for one to two days, accompanied with bouts of sneezing. She had complaint of colds since the last two years. “ever since I got married, I am facing the problem of colds” patient commented. She also complained of severe pain in her right arm. Her case was studied in detail.
She was intolerant to cold weather. She had a craving for salty, spicy and sour food. She was lean, fair, and had a smiling face. She was talkative. She stayed with her husband and son and father in law and mother in law. She is very cozy with her husband. They are from a middle class, conservative Muslim family. They have certain traditions, where the daughter in law could not speak loudly, could not laugh loudly.
Patient is basically from Mumbai, and so she is not accustomed to these customs. She faced cultural differences after marriage. She was a much pampered girl, and suddenly after marriage, she had to face several restrictions and criticism. Her mother in law and sister in law would criticize her, and quarrel with her. She was rather immature and childish and she would also argue and speak back. This would lead to escalation in the quarrels.
Her husband was a software engineer, he was very mature and understood her childishness, and he would laugh it over. His parents expected him to be stern with her, but he was quiet liberal. Then her mother in law would comment that patient has seized there son. Then patient would feel very bad, she would blame herself for the tension in the house and feel guilty. She would feel that she should leave the house as she is responsible for the disharmony.
She was an irritable and short tempered lady. She was sensitive and sentimental. She also had a reduced appetite and sleep. Her father was suffering from diabetes.
Dr Shah again studied her case details and prescribed Sepia 200 C.
In two months of treatment, her pain in the right hand stopped. there was some improvement in the colds. But there was no change in the hair falling, for which she was very anxious. She was explained that hair falling requires some time.
In her next follow up she reported good improvement in her colds, hair falling and appetite. She did not have many symptoms of under active thyroid. The test was done on the basis of suspicion and experience. But since her hair falling and colds were better, it was assumed that the thyroid gland is also functioning normally now. She did look fresh and energetic.
Within 4 months there was very good recovery in her hair falling and frequent colds. She no longer got any cold attacks, sneezing has completely stopped. Her hair falling had stopped completely. She was advised to repeat her blood test for thyroid functioning.
The report done on 29 th April 2010, showed that her TSH levels were absolutely normal.
FT3: 3.14, FT4: 0.99 and TSH: 3.82.
In a span of 4 months, just with homeopathic medicines she was cured of hypothyroidism.
If under active thyroid is treated in the early stage with homeopathy, it is completely curable, and one does not require taking thyroid supplements for life.
This is a case of a 33 year old lady who was suffering with Hypothyroidism since the year 2005. She came to the clinic for her treatment.
When she reported to the clinic, she complained of easy fatigue after mild activity or house hold chores. She had breathlessness which was worse after physical exertion of any kind, and when she used to climb stairs. She also complained of amenorrhea, since the last 3 months. She had severe hair loss with dryness of the skin. She had swelling of the feet and face especially after exertion. She had severe back pain and neck pain. She had gained over 12 kg of weight in the last one year. She was overweight and weighed over 100 kg. She was diagnosed as PCOD in her recent sonography report. She refused to take allopathic medicines for her PCOD and hypothyroidism. She had approached the clinic for alternative medicines with this background. Dr. Shah accepted this case as a challenge. Her blood tests dated 8-1-07; TSH levels were 25.48 (0.35 to 4.94). Her Free T3 was 2.30 (1.4 to 4.4), Free T4 was 0.60 (0.8 to 2.0).
She was a irritable and sensitive lady, she would hold anger for a long time and brood over it for along time. She would get angry if anyone contradicted her. She would weep when alone, she disliked consolation. She was pampered in her house by her parents and as such was lazy in household chores.
She had difficulty adjusting after marriage, where she was dominated and was expected to do all the household chores. She would react to the attitude of in-laws and sulk over small matters.
She had a craving for salty food and spicy food. She would feel uncomfortable in the summer, she felt comfortable in the winters. She perspired profusely. She would feel irritability before menses.
Based on the case details, Dr. Shah prescribed Natrum Mur 30 and then Natrum Mur 200 C in various schedules.
Just two months after treatment, she found good improvement in her breathlessness and tiredness; she would feel energetic and could do her household chores with ease. Her menstrual cycle normalized from the 4th month onwards. There was good reduction in hair falling. Within 6 months of treatment her ankle swelling had reduced substantially. The swelling on the face in the mornings also reduced. There was good improvement in her back ache and neck pain.
Her thyroid results improved gradually and the latest blood tests done on 28-8-07 showed TSH results as 8.52 (0.35 to 4.94)
Free T3 was 1.90 (1.4 to 4.4) and T4 was 0.80 (0.8 to 2.0)
Patient had stubbornly refused any thyroid supplements and she was very happy with the near normalization of her thyroid reports and over all general improvement. Her treatment is being continued.
A Case of Homeopathic Iodine for Hypothyroidism by Joette Calabrese
Margaret was uncommonly dazzling, charismatic and constitutionally unfit for frumpy clothes. Nothing she wore matched exactly, yet it all worked together quite nicely because it was draped on her body with her patrician sensibilities.
She summered at Martha’s Vineyard, her long tan legs attracting onlookers. . . mostly men, but women, too. I can’t say in public what the men would think but I’m sure Margaret knew. It gave her permission to flounce her hair incautiously. The result was a kind of male chaos that fell in her wake. She was the sort of woman who reveled in her ever-changing relationships, amending them simply because the challenge was entertaining.
But then, one weekend after a friend’s opening in Soho, something snapped. Instead of her usual deftness in her daily routine, she began to experience weariness. It moderated her usual steady vitality with a chronic longing for naps. Before long, she also recognized that her easy confidence and flippant air had dwindled and was being replaced by a diminished, subdued version of her old self. And she began to lose more hair than she cared to think about.
At first, her symptoms were mild, but by the time she entered the doctor’s office, she was agitated and alarmed. “It feels like I have a chronic touch of the flu, and worse, I’ve put on twenty pounds.” The latter symptom troubled her the most.
The doctor considered hypothyroidism and subsequent tests indicated Margaret’s TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was indeed low, so he advised a medication. This wouldn’t cure her, of course, but it would manage the problem.
Margaret began to question the decision to follow through since the side effects were written in the drug pack she was handed, albeit in print so small she literally needed a magnifying glass to make out the words. But, it was indeed as clear as day…anxiety, mood swings, hair loss, weight gain, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, seizures. She already had suffered some of these symptoms and the drug only promised more!
Next Margaret visited a psychiatrist, because of the angst she was experiencing. He too proposed drugs. “No thanks,” she thought. She could have submitted without a struggle and simply taken the prescriptions, but that wasn’t Margaret’s style. In fact, even her best friend asked her, “What’s wrong with taking medicine?” “No,” Margaret insisted, “I must find a bona fide solution.”
And so Margaret wore her hair in a sweeping fashion that concealed the loss that honestly only she noticed. She was driven by her innate tenacity to unearth an alternative solution. A colleague who had been relieved of thyroid nodules with a special homeopathic preparation suggested the name of her reputable homeopath. So, Margaret scheduled a phone consultation because the homeopath lived two states away.
After this initial consultation, Margaret was comforted. She was not told her hypothyroid condition would be cured, but the homeopath put it in a different way. “Your body is responding to an imbalance which causes symptoms. We will use the symptoms to determine which homeopathic remedy is best suited to antidote or address your specific imbalance. Once the energy of the illness is met by the energy of the remedy, it will be unnecessary for the body to react. Instead, the reactions to the disease or symptoms will be antidoted.”
Margaret was inspired by the word “antidote” and within a week from taking the remedy Iodum, her fatigue began to fade. “Is this iodine?” she asked the homeopath. The answer she received was fascinating. The homeopath explained that we know that iodine is key to thyroid health, but to use it in gross form can sometimes be imprudent. Instead, in homeopathic formula, which is greatly diluted according to a specific mathematical procedure, any problems relating to iodine are eliminated, leaving only beneficial results. Since homeopathy is a medical paradigm used the world over, including European hospitals and clinics, and by homeopathic MDs, we have plenty of research to conclude that this method not only has merit, but is safe.
Margaret didn’t really care about the studies; her focus was on how well she began to feel. First she noticed that there was no longer a tangled mass on her hair brush. Then, her zeal returned. This happened within the first month of taking the homeopathic preparation. However, the most remarkable restoration was when she observed the pounds slowly melting and the fatigue eliminated.
Symptom by symptom, the disease seemed to dissolve. It was so natural and not unlike the way she felt before being struck with hypothyroid disease. Months later, her thyroid hormone was again measured and the proof was revealed. Her levels were indeed within the range of normal! It was about this time that, while at the theatre, she inadvertently ran into Alphonso, a handsome Italian friend from back in grad school. He squeezed her hand and whispered, “Sprezzatura!”
When she got home that night, she paged through her Italian dictionary and was delighted to discover that the beautiful word means “the art of nonchalance in effortless elegance.” Ahhh … the confirmation that her life was back.
Homeopathic Remedies for Thyroid Problems
The link between iodine and the thyroid gland is well established; therefore, it is no surprise that homeopathic iodine has been used homeopathically for many decades. In its original state, elemental iodine can actually cause thyroid pathology. This is why in the much diluted methods of homeopathic preparation it can instead rouse the body to address the very problem it can sometimes cause. This capacity reveals the very essence of homeopathy, which is ruled by the law “like cures like.”
In the case of Margaret’s sufferings, this remedy was chosen because it suited not only her specific symptoms, but her personality as well. What caught the homeopath’s attention, in this case, was her uncharacteristic weight gain and subdued behavior that was so unlike her when in health. Since the need for Iodum is characterized by these features, it proved to be just the right fit for Margaret.
However, Margaret had a colleague for whom the remedy choice was quite different. A common remedy for thyroid nodules, whether accompanied by hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, is Sepia. But again, the choice of Sepia depends on the entirety of the person suffering the problem. Margaret’s colleague had just had a baby when she developed her thyroid issues. This put her in a reproductive state that would need to be considered for the totality of symptoms to match. For example, she too experienced weight gain, but it was accompanied by mood swings and sleeplessness. Since Margaret’s hormones were not those of a new mother, Sepia would have been unsuitable for her.
A man suffering from hypo- or hyperthyroidism would indeed be subject to the same differentiating criteria, but the hallmark of his sufferings might include chronic perspiration of the head, easy weight gain that was particularly flabby and an overall sluggish disposition. There might also be anxiety and an overwhelmed sensation from his many responsibilities. This would point squarely in the direction of Calcarea carbonica, a homeopathic remedy most noted for these symptoms. Thus homeopathy is person-specific, not disease-specific and anything less would be a mediocre, polyester, one-size-fits-all choice. In the quest for authentic health, this will never do.