Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

How Do I Take My Remedy?

How do I take my homeopathic remedy?

Detailed instructions will accompany the remedy when it is sent to you.  The remedy comes in the form of sugar pills, and sometimes in liquid form. If taken in sugar pill form, a few of the pills are dissolved under the tongue, they are very sweet and pleasant tasting. The liquid form can be squeezed directly into the mouth with the dropper provided, only a few drops are needed for one dose. For those who do not enjoy the taste of medicines, the taste can be masked completely by putting the drops of the liquid remedy in juice.

Typically, with a relatively healthy person, only 1-3 doses of the remedy in sugar pill form are needed in total. Taking the remedy is very simple since in most cases you don’t need to take it daily. After taking your remedy, your body is stimulated by the remedy to heal itself. Even one dose of the remedy can keep stimulating your body for a long time – months or even years in some cases.

With less healthy people, we will have to determine the regular repetition of the dose (typically, it could be taken twice weekly, or even daily). Since everybody’s reactions to remedies is different, I often do weekly informal follow-ups by phone or email at no additional charge to determine the repetition of your remedy, or to determine whether you need a different remedy.

The pellets dispensed by the clinic are made from sucrose, so if you are sensitive to lactose then you will be able to tolerate our remedies. Liquid remedies do contain a small amount of alcohol. If you cannot ingest alcohol for health or religious reasons, please let me know and I can prepare your liquid remedy from vegetable glycerin that is not sourced from corn or soy.

How Do I Take My Remedy?

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