Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
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Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.

Homeopathic Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Acute Homeopathic Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Remedies

For temporary relief of seasonal allergies the following acute remedies have proven useful. Please note that constitutional homeopathic treatment is recommended to strengthen the immune system permanently and to prevent the recurrence of seasonal allergies.

homeopathy for seasonal allergies (allium cepa)

Allium cepa

This is one of the most commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for hay fever. The characteristic symptoms of this remedy include a clear burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils and upper lip. This person also has watery eyes with profuse tears (but the tears don’t burn the skin) and their eyes may burn, and there can be frequent sneezing. Their symptoms are better in open air, are worse when overheated and they are worse indoors.

Homeopathy for seasonal allergies: Euphrasia


This is another common remedy for allergies. The symptoms are almost the opposite of Allium cepa: Copious nasal discharge that does not burn the skin and frequent sneezing, and the eyes produce copious tears that burn the skin. Their symptoms tend to worsen in the evening. Like Allium cepa, their symptoms are better in open air, are worse when overheated and they are worse indoors.


Characteristic symptoms of this remedy include copious watery nasal discharge, lots of violent sneezing, itching and irritation inside the nose and red runny eyes. They may have the sensation of a lump in their throat. They may also have a severe headache and they are sensitive to strong odours (e.g. of flowers). They are chilly yet they feel better in open air.


Indications for this remedy include a heavy, tired feeling like they are coming down with the flu. Their head feels heavy, the eyes droop and the face is flushed. The nose waters and irritates the skin, and there is frequent violent sneezing. They aren’t thirsty for water and they feel better from lying down.

Potency and Dosage for Acute Homeopathic Remedies for Hay Fever: Use a 30C potency (strength) of the indicated remedy. Take 3-5 pellets up to 3X per day. If symptoms don’t improve after 24 hours, try selecting a different remedy. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of homeopathic remedies for hay fever.

Homeopathic Cell Salt for Seasonal Allergies

Natrum Muriaticum 6X Cell Salt

Instead of or in addition to using one of the above acute homeopathic remedies , try using Natrum Muriaticum 6X cell salt for hay fever, 3 pellets taken 2-3 times per day. This remedy helps for symptoms of intense sneezing and runny nose with thin watery discharge. This is one of the most common homeopathic cell salt remedies used for seasonal allergies. Learn more about homeopathic cell salts.

Isotherapy for Seasonal Allergy Prevention

Many homeopaths use isotherapy (a remedy made from the substance that the client has been harmed by or is reacting to) to help with detox, as well as with allergies.

Mixed Pollens 30C

This remedy can be bought from your local homeopathic pharmacy, or it can be sourced from your homeopath. Take this remedy once per day for 4-6 weeks before allergy season, to prevent or reduce allergy symptoms. Note that this remedy is most effective when the remedy has been made from pollens local to your area. Many homeopathic pharmacies offer remedies made from tree pollens as well as remedies made from grass pollens. Mixed Pollens can also be taken 1-3 times per day during allergy season to reduce symptoms. It can also be taken along with Natrum Muriaticum 6X cell salt and/or acute seasonal allergy remedies (e.g. Allium cepa).

A Homeopathic Alternative to Antihistamines

Histaminum Muriaticum (Hydrochloricum) 30C

This is a homeopathic remedy made from histamine. This remedy can help your body regulate how much histamine it naturally makes. It’s like a natural antihistamine without the side effects. This remedy can be taken along with or instead of the remedies listed above. Take 3 pellets 3X per day during allergy season.

Disclaimer: This article does not substitute for medical advice. Homeopathic remedies should only be taken under the guidance of a professional homeopath.

References and Further Reading

A simple alternative to antihistamines

Growing plants for Weleda’s holistic hay fever remedies

6 best medicines for allergic rhinitis

Spring into health; remedies for the hay fever season

Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Dana Ullman

Concordant Materia Medica by Frans Vermeulen

Homeopathic Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

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