Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Homeopathy for Omicron

(Updated with new information on February 1, 2022) In this article, learn about the symptoms of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and how the symptoms differ from the previous COVID-19 variants. Then learn about practitioners who have been using homeopathy for Omicron, and about the homeopathic remedies that have been used successfully for Omicron. Introduction […]

Homeopathy for Smallpox

The Problem with Smallpox by David Rosner The eradication of smallpox has been hailed as among the greatest triumphs in public health history. Once a disease that swept through cities and towns, leaving in its wake untold number of casualties and disfigured peoples, it has disappeared from the natural environment through massive inoculation and public […]

Pine Needle Tea Safety & Other Pine Remedies for COVID mRNA Vaccine Shedding

Many natural health practitioners and doctors around the world, and their clients, have reported symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, bruising, nosebleeds, post-menopausal vaginal bleeding, miscarriages, and other menstrual abnormalities after coming into close contact with individuals who were recently vaccinated with a COVID mRNA vaccine. “Shedding” is a term used to describe a phenomenon […]

Research on Coronavirus

Part 1: Introduction to the research, the registrants who were involved, and the basic concepts of the research This is a review of research done by Kate Birch, certified classical homeopath, on the use of a homeopathic coronavirus nosode, over a 6 month period, starting in March 2020. The presentation covers research design, the number […]

Mandatory masks and why I am opposed to them

This is a written transcript of a 5-minute speech given by Sonya McLeod (BA, DCH) to the City Councillors at a council meeting on October 22, 2020 in regards to a proposed Mandatory Mask Policy in Vancouver Civic Facilities. References were emailed to councillors before the meeting took place. All speakers were against the policy, […]

Homeopathy for Coronavirus (Part 2)

Please refer to part 1 of this series for a brief overview of the typical symptoms of infection with the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. Cuba promotes homeopathy as ‘weapon’ against the coronavirus As scientists around the world speed up clinical trials to find a vaccine for the coronavirus, in April 2020 it was announced that the […]

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