Please note that this program is no longer offered at Little Mountain Homeopathy.
Click here to find a list of Metabolic Balances coaches in Canada

I have always been a healthy eater. The annoyingly healthy one. Pretty much always a size 10. But when I hit menopause at 53…Boom! I could barely squeeze into a size 14.
I like clothes. I did everything. I thought I was on to something with Paleo and Wheat Belly Diet. I lost 26 lbs. quickly and then stopped losing weight. Even though I continued a modified Paleo/Wheat Belly routine.
I moved to Vancouver to be with my grandchildren. I used to have energy. My youngest grandchild is 5. I was concerned that I could not keep up with them. I still needed to loose 15-20 pounds. I knew that something I was doing wasn’t working.
Sonya knew right away that I would do well on the plan. I really liked that metabolic balance was an individual program. The first thing I noticed was that I was eating too many nuts. I like that I know I am getting the right amount of vegetables, fats, and protein.

I started MB April 29, 2015 & by the end of July I , 2015 I had dropped 25 lbs. In mid August I went back east for a reunion & was there for 2 weeks. Stayed pretty true to my program except for the wine & baked sweet potatoes All was good until just about a month before Christmas. That is when I gained the 10 lbs. I attribute the gain to the potato chips & chestnut praline lattes. What started as 1 latte every 2 weeks, soon became one a day Jan. 29, 2016 is when i committed to the program again.
After starting Metabolic Balance, the way I look at things changed. I stopped procrastinating. I see something that needs to be done I just get up and do it. It feels good. It is not just how I look, my digestion is so much better.
I have more energy. My friends talk about getting older; they talk about their aches and pains. I don’t. I don’t have any pains. They move slower than I do. When we take walks I have to wait for them to catch up.
I love fish! That is my favorite food on my plan. I like the Mandelade breakfast, chicken, and goat yogurt. And all those vegetables and fruits… I prepare and get ready for the week. I sit down at the beginning of the week and make a menu. I change it up on Sunday.
Just do it! It is simple. Make your meals pretty. Buy good pickles.
Barbara Cole
Langley BC

Sonya McLeod led me through a weight reduction and management using the Metabolic Balance program out of Germany. With Sonya’s guidance and coaching, I learned what a healthy weight and body measurements would be for my age, height, and activity level. The weight loss happens quickly with Metabolic Balance, and one learns the importance of portion sizes through measuring the weight of food, and the importance of having vegetables at each meal. I met with Sonya for a year to obtain the habit changes that helped me manage my weight. Sonya made sure that other factors in one’s life (travel, for instance) work with the program. I would recommend this weight management method for anybody.

I have been looking for a diet program that I can rely on and works for life. When I was younger, it was a lot easier when my metabolism was still great and it seemed that any programs would work for me. That was how I could manage my ‘stable’ weight since I was in my twenties. When I turned 50, I felt that all of a sudden my metabolism was not on my side anymore. I struggled controlling my weight and to lose 1-2 kg that would bounce back after a few weeks. I had to suffer from headaches, loss of energy and felt weak. I did not even know if I had lost fat or just fluid or even worse, muscles.
A good friend told me about the Metabolic Balance (MB) program a few years ago and I decided to join this program as my 50th birthday present. I am glad to say that it was the best birthday present ever! I am so lucky to find Sonya McLeod (MB Coach) who lives on the other side of the world! Sonya walked me through the program thoroughly and she has been supportive throughout my program.

I started my program in March 2017 (phase 1 and 2). After week 4, I had to ‘stop’ my program as I traveled with my family to China (food haven). While I tried to stick with as many rules from the 8 golden rules, one can imagine it was pretty hard. Surprisingly, I came home gaining only 500g. This is how I can see that the program has worked well. I am now on phase 4. I have reached my weight goal and this program is now part of my everyday diet lifestyle.
What I have learned from MB is it is not a diet program. I define this program as a personalized educational eating program to achieve a healthy and balanced metabolism in which weight loss is a bonus. It has taught me the principles of how to reset and control my metabolism, to carefully choose the food that suits my health condition while I can still enjoy eating. I have been eating some protein and vegetables that I had not tried before and it is fun! The 8 golden rules have become part of me. I am lighter, happy, healthier and more energetic in which I can increase my gym sessions to gain more muscles and lose more fat!
Thank you, Metabolic Balance (and Sonya!)