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Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical


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A powerful yet gentle yeast cleanse that supports intestinal balance.

Too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing. This is especially true when it comes to candida, a form of yeast that, in moderation, helps with digestion and nutrient absorption. But when it starts overproducing, candida releases toxic by-products into the body. This can increase gut permeability, which may lead to a host of different health problems, such as:

  • Bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Fatigue and irritability
  • Immune response and bowel irritation
  • Poor memory or difficulty concentrating
  • And many others

There are many factors that can lead to candida overgrowth and intestinal imbalance. Antibiotics, smoking or drinking, poor nutrition, and high stress are all known contributors.

The good news is you don’t have to suffer any longer. Syntol, a scientifically formulated combination of enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics, is your best defense against the effects of candida overgrowth.

Syntol contains 13.6 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of various non-competing strains of probiotic bacteria per dose. One of these strains is the potent B. subtilis, a spore forming bacteria. Spore germination is a dependable means of delivering healthy flora to the intestine in less than ideal conditions.

One of Syntol’s main ingredients is Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO). IMO is a prebiotic from tapioca that passes safely through the stomach into the intestinal tract, where it then creates an environment that healthy bacteria can thrive in. Though some prebiotics can cause uncomfortable gas and bloating, studies have shown that IMO is much less likely to cause these symptoms than other prebiotic ingredients.

How Syntol Works

Syntol fights against bad bacteria and yeast colonies as well as supports proper digestion and a healthy immune system. It encourages the growth of probiotics, the body’s beneficial bacterial colonies, which help to balance the digestive ecosystem. A healthy, balanced gut results in better digestion, improved immunity, and overall better health.
Most bacteria are susceptible to any acidic pH range, mainly thriving in the more alkaline lower gastrointestinal (GI). But the spore forming bacteria in Syntol are able to withstand a broader range of pH and temperature changes. This improves the chances that the probiotic strain will properly germinate, and begin the process of restoring intestinal balance.

Syntol Offers a Gentle Yeast Cleanse

In addition to a powerful blend of prebiotics and probiotics, Syntol also contains a blend of enzymes that provide a thorough intestinal cleanse:

  • Protease/Serrapeptase aids in protein digestion
  • Cellulase/Hemicellulase promotes cellulose and fiber digestion
  • Glucoamylase/Amylase breaks down sugars

These enzymes work as a team to remove dead cells and other unwanted proteins from the body without the detox symptoms that are normally experienced during the yeast cleansing process—an uncomfortable set of symptoms known as “die-off”. Die-off symptoms typically include nausea, headaches, swollen glands, and other effects which can be nearly as bad as the issues that led you to do a yeast cleanse in the first place. Fortunately, Syntol minimizes die-off symptoms by the inclusion of enzymes.

Proof that Syntol Works

If you’re suffering from the effects of candida overgrowth, Syntol can be your solution. One recent set of case studies involved nine participants with severe candida symptoms: fatigue, itching, rashes, bloating, and severe sugar cravings.

The participants took two to four capsules of Syntol three times per day, for 45 days. At the end of the 45 days, all nine participants claimed to have more energy, better sleep, and the itching and breakouts were completely gone.

Win the war against candida. Arm yourself with Syntol—your most powerful and effective natural weapon against candida yeast overgrowth.

Syntol AMD by Arthur Andrew Medical

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90 caps, 360 caps


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