Little Mountain Homeopathy, 351 E. 39th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5W 1K3
Phone: (604) 677-7742 Email:

Little Mountain Homeopathy

Classical homeopath in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Award-winning holistic natural health practitioner.


Homeopathic Cell Salts Basics and FAQ

What are the homeopathic cell salts? Other terms for homeopathic cell salts are biochemic remedies, Schuessler Tissue Salts and Schuessler Cell Salts. They are a therapeutic system introduced by William Heinrich Shuessler, MD, in 1873. Dr. Schuessler contended that disease is fundamentally caused by insufficiencies of mineral salts in the tissue cells of the body […]

Homeopathy for Period Pain

Many women suffer from pain during their periods. Homeopathy can provide effective relief from period pain without putting a stress on the liver. Women with other hormonal symptoms such as irregular periods or  women who experience intense pain every month should see a classical homeopath for constitutional treatment. For occasional or moderate period pains, the […]

Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy & Nuclear Crisis

All of the remedies listed below are powerful remedies that should only taken under the supervision of a professional classical homeopath. Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation Therapy Cadmium Sulphuricum: This is the leading remedy for the side effects of radiation therapy. There is a lot of exhaustion, prostration and icy coldness. There is nausea and vomiting, […]

Homeopathic Treatment of Mastitis

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast, associated with breastfeeding. Symptoms typically include breast pain and redness. There is often an associated fever and general soreness. Onset is typically fairly rapid and usually occurs within the first few months of delivery. Homeopathy can be very effective for the treatment of mastitis. The following are the most […]

Homeopathy for Breast & Nipple Pain during Breastfeeding

Prevent Breast & Nipple Pain while Nursing Use calendula cream on the nipples several weeks before birth and after nursing begins. Wash the calendula cream off the breast before nursing begins.Take Silica 6X Homeopathic Cell Salts. Take 3-4 times per day at the beginning of the nursing experience to strengthen the nipples. Discontinue as soon […]

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